Tuesday, October 29, 2019

 Rebecca Perkins just texted to remind me that I had forgotten to post.  Sometimes I go brain dead, I guess.

Actually, I got up and got busy in the kitchen, which I never do.  But I had bought a big bag of bananas for 99 cents (bargains are impossible to pass up) over a week ago with every intention of making banana bread.  Which I didn't do.  The bananas just got riper and riper.

But this morning, there they were.  So I got busy.  I made banana bread and forgot to post.  Banana bread is my excuse.

I sliced and froze nine pieces for future emergencies when I had a carb attack.  I'm not telling you how many pieces that I ate first.

I'm not tempted by sweets, so I cut the sugar in half.  And doubled the pecans.

And while waiting on my publisher, to calm myself, I started writing on something that everyone has been prodding me to write.  It's about my journey to find out what the first chapter of Genesis actually says, and how the scientific evidence meshes perfectly with the Biblical account.

I think I would have put that off forever if I hadn't needed something to distract and calm me down every time the editor texts and cancels an appointment.

I spoke at Falls Creek for years on the subject, and taught at the Baptist student Union a number of times.  I've written parts of it in this blog.  But I guess I will put all that together.

It won't be an easy endeavor, because every time I talk or write about it I chase rabbits.  There is so much to tell.

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