Thursday, July 16, 2020

Everybody out there in the political world is "counting things" concerning Corona Virus trying to make a point of some kind.  I'm glad people are doing math.  I remember once I was teaching a class of Basic math to a class full of adults and one of them said, "I'll never use this."  If he was going to be a carpenter,  I guess he wasn't going to measure anything.

They are counting tests, numbers of positive tests, etc. etc...trying to make sense of it in some political way.  I don't get it.

The only thing you need to count is how many beds in the hospital are full of Corona patients compared to the week before, month before, day before.  Are the beds filling up??

I heard one reporter say they are counting people twice who have it and that's why the numbers are going up.  I heard another say that the numbers are going up because we are testing more people. (That one amazes me.)

Where were all these people when the Basic math class taught percentages.  I guess we math teachers failed?  I don't care which party you support and don't understand why this has become politicized.  

It doesn't matter if you give one hundred tests, or a billion.  The only thing that matters is the percentage or rate.  Is it going up, or down.

And now the masks are being politicized.  I don't get any of it.  There is no reason to wear one to save yourself.  It is for others.  If you have it and are asymptomatic, you are spreading it and don't know it.  Do unto others as you would that they should do unto you?

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