Tuesday, July 7, 2020

This movement and protest that is going on has upset the entire country.  I am sincerely trying to figure out exactly what the protesters want the government to do.  Or me to do.  Or me to change.  I have no animosity, I understand frustration when things don't seem fair.  I just don't know what the path to a solution is because I haven't heard a clear objective that can be implemented.  You can't implement love.  You can't make people get an education so they can get a better job.  Education in America is free.  It lets you rise economically.

You can't cure racism--so that can't be an objective.  You can inform people, shame people, direct people toward a goal, but the actions of single individuals are not controllable.  In business, in schools, in governments, in the military, or the police.  You can punish bad behavior, but you can't force good behavior. 

So I am not at all clear how to stop a protest of the sort that is going on.  How would you achieve a goal that has not been articulated clearly.  Black lives matter is a slogan, or a statement.  I don't know anyone that doesn't agree.  But it's not enactable.  A protest without a clear enactable goal gets nowhere and causes chaos.  Sometimes producing an opposite effect of the goal. 

Defund the police?  That is not a workable solution.  I think there will be better training that comes from all of this, and perhaps a division of tasks in the departments, but as long as people destroy, loot, burn down property, shoot people, threaten people, assault people, rape and kill people, we need police.

I have had an ongoing discussion with a person as to what their solution to the problem would be.  All I have received from them is rhetoric and emotion:  "It's wrong," etc.  "Did you know this happened," or "Did you know that happened," No path was suggested to change anything that you could write in a petition and get on a ballot.  Just lots and lots of inflammatory words achieving nothing.

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