Tuesday, July 14, 2020

I have found that people who don't want to learn something--won't.  They are set, fixed in concrete.  Facts don't matter because they already know the truth.  Reasoning is out the window.

I am a 1, 2, 3...kind of thinker.  I like to figure things out.  Probably why I am a mathematician.  I like puzzles.  I can't get dressed in the morning until I have done my sudoku, cryptogram and crossword puzzles. 

But today, I am going in to the doctor and get a regular checkup and should have gotten dressed first.  I went outside in my nightgown trying to get ahead in my sequence and get the paper first...and of course this man comes walking down the street out of nowhere.

"Yes," I said.  "I'm still in my nightgown.  Would you please not look."  He was a nice guy; he put his hands over his face and kept on walking.  Not that there is much to see when you are my age in a granny gown.  I could probably wear it to the grocery store.

I probably should put the "getting dressed" ahead of getting the paper in the sequence from now on.  1--get dressed, 2--get the paper, 3--do the puzzles.

When my grandson Brady comes over, we put puzzles together.  He likes them as much as I do.

My favorite is Ken-ken.  I don't know why they don't have one of those every day.  I've worked my way through the 6x6 fairly easily.  The 7x7 are harder. I can't do many of the higher ones yet.  Give me some time!!  I'll get there. 

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