Wednesday, July 15, 2020

My daughter Becky is having an estate sale today.  I was over there yesterday and have never in my life seen such a collection.  Dolls.  400-500 dolls.  So many they didn't price most of them.  Just put up a sign that said $5.00.

I'm not allowed to buy anything ahead of time.  Just look.  Which is fun and lets me get out of the house. I can't go where a crowd is there anymore.  (Corona.)
I just find it interesting to see what people hoard. 

Some lady collected dolls.  Unbelievable.  That's what they will say about me someday.  My pink Waterford depression glass.  I used to look for it in junk, antique stores, and it was like finding Easter eggs.  If you want dolls for almost nothing--go to the sale.  Swan Estate Sales on line will give you the address.

I don't know what causes people to collect something.  I was at a garage sale once and this man had collected Coka-cola stuff.  He had an upstairs with three bedrooms and every wall of the bedrooms was custom made shelving niches for Coke items.  Thousands of doo-dads and bottles.  Every bottle ever made--some of them still full.

I got interested in Depression glass because I was born at the end of the depression and the glass was on the shelves of stores free.  Buy some oats, you get a glass.  Buy some tea and you get a cup free.  Everyone had the stuff.  I grew up eating and drinking out of depression glass.  Then it got broken, trashed, etc. because it was worthless.  If something is free, it has no value.

Until all of us kids grew up, and wanted what we remembered.  We started buying memories and the price went through the ceiling.  Now nobody wants it because it isn't part of their memory.  They want Tupperware.  Go figure.

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