Monday, July 13, 2020

I taught the lesson Sunday on Paul's three descriptions of the human situation.  No where else in his writings does he break it down this wan. He them categorized us this way:

1.  The Natural man.  (Homo Sapiens) 1 Corinthians 2:14 "But the natural man doesn't receive the things of the Spirit of God...they are foolishness to him..."  This is the condition of all humans before they know God.  People make fun of your simple faith in God, your trust of his plans for you (and them) because they don't have a method to receive Spiritual information.  It's like a disconnection in their hard wiring in their brain.  They can't understand anything you say about God. Homo Sapiens has no God spirit within.

2.  The Spiritual man. 1 Cor. 3:15 "But the one that is spiritual judges all things...we have the mind of Christ." He speaks about the mind of Christ in Philippians also: "Let this mind be in you that was also in Jesus Christ...) This is the person who has surrendered himself to God and allowed Christ to take up residence inside.  This person loves God, listens to God and obeys him as well.

3.  The Carnal man.  1 Cor.3:1  "I couldn't speak to you as spiritual, but as Carnal...I have had to feed you with milk like babies...not meat...because you can't digest anything but milk." (my paraphrase)  This is the Christian who doesn't grow, who continues in his old ways and doesn't become discerning in the things of God.  Always on the fence, stepping over, then back again...

We all recognize the carnal Christian.  They rededicate, and rededicate and repent and go right back to their old ways.  Saved "as by fire." Never growing, never reaching the Spiritual life God planned for them. Never reaching their potential in God.  Missing the plan that God had for them to give them peace.

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