Thursday, July 23, 2020

Squig has become jealous of the phone.  When I talk to someone, he sits at my feet whimpering.  Or barking like he want's to go out--but when I get up and open the door, he just sits there.

He thinks he is #1 in the house.  Actually, he is.  My life pretty much revolves around him.

I had to go get a CT scan with contrast this morning.  The worst part is the stuff you have to drink.  Ugh.  And of course the needle because they have to get two or three nurses in to give it a go before one of them can get it right; all of them have to stick me a bunch of times.   My veins look like I'm a druggie.  Nothing but scar tissue.

But aren't we all thankful for the hospital staff.

Baptists and Catholics used to run the hospitals at cost.  They are privatized now, and hospitals are costly--through the roof.  Making money.

Doctors used to make decisions about what to do.  Now they have to find out what the insurance companies will authorize.  And then get it approved.  

Medicine is no longer rational.

If a doctor makes a decision without approval in an emergency, he may get sued for his expertise.  By the time he gets approval to do what they he needs to do, sometimes it's too late.  It didn't used to be this way.

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