Friday, July 10, 2020

People are irrational.  I am amazed at how few people know how to have a discussion.  Using thought processes.  If you go on facebook and scroll through what people are saying, people rant.  Use bad language.  Call each other names.  Denigrate  individuals.  Are generally rude.

I don't get it.  If you want to influence people on the opposite side of some issue, those tactics are counterproductive.  I think I must be missing something because those tactics seem to be prevalent.  And hostile.  There is an old say ing:  '"You catch more flies with honey than a flyswatter."  It's true.
  I went to lunch yesterday with friends.  Conversation was convivial.  Pleasant.  Just a lovely, pleasant couple of hours.  This morning Ann and I are going garage saleing.(saling?)  That is always fun.  I need more of those kinds of experiences.  I think America is weary of conflict.  I know I am.

It would be wonderful if things would go back to normal, but I think we have at least six more months of this until we have a vaccine.

Poor teachers.  The government wants them to go back to work.  Obviously the people that want that to happen have never been in a classroom.  I have twelve close members of my family who were, or now are, teachers.  The government would be hard pressed to convince any of them it is wise to go back to work in these conditions.  But my youngest son, and his wife are going to go back to school to teach because that is their job--that is how they make a living. Their two young sons will go back as well.   I can't protect them.   

In a room with thirty kids, and thirty more, and thirty more etc. rotating all day long there is no way someone isn't going to get very sick and take it home.  

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