Thursday, July 2, 2020

I drove to Jones to eat catfish today.  Such a treat.  Restored my faith in mankind.  I can't help but wonder where they get their fish.

Years ago, my dad and I would go to the Langley dam when they closed the gates and we picked up catfish in the pools under the dam--once the water was stopped.  Didn't need a line, hook or bait.  Just picked the catfish up.

They are slick, wiggly, and hard to hold onto without a line and a hook.

But catfish raised wild like that have a muddy bottom taste.  They aren't sweet like the fish that the restaurant in Jones, Oklahoma serves.  Where did it come from?  I hear they have controlled catfish farms?

My mom cooked beef, pork and chicken.  We never ate much of anything else.  She came from farm people.

I never ate Mexican until after I got married.  Oh! My!!!  And Italian.  And although I learned how to cook Italian dishes, I couldn't conquer Mexican recipes.  I couldn't seem to get the spices right.

I don't like roast beef.  A rare rib roast is okay, but not much of anything else that is beef.  Hamburger if you disguise it in a Mexican or Italian dish.  Or a plain hamburger.  

But nothing, nowhere, no time beats sea food.  Lobster, shrimp, crab, clams, Ahi, and.....catfish for us who are landlocked here in Oklahoma.

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