Thursday, July 30, 2020

Propaganda.  Right now it rages across the country.  I am amazed at the things people will believe if their political party endorses it.  It's like blind obedience.  They fear that someone in their party will "dis" them if they express a different opinion--even when common sense demands it.

It has been amusing to watch people change their opinions  when their party changes their opinion.  Like the child's game of follow the leader.

A great number of people are getting their information and making opinions from Facebook.  That is pretty scary.  When someone posts something, it is forwarded dozens of times, and becomes "the truth" because "everyone" is saying it's true.  So few people read anymore.  And when they do, they only read things that they already believe and never challenge themselves.

One of the most interesting things happening is the distrust of science. Rather than trying to check data against other data, they attack the scientist.  Implying that he can't possibly be right, "Because WE don't like him."  Pack mentality.

I get a kick out of watching both CNN and Fox news when something new happens in the government.  They report the part they want to report.  And sometimes they both mislead the public. It's hard to believe that they both were at the same event--due to both of thier discrepancies and omissions of facts. 

Some people only watch one source and condemn the other.  That seems incredibly stupid to me. It's like the blind leading the blind.  You never hear anything your party is doing that could be wrong if you do that.  Neither party wants to shoot themselves in the foot.   Where is Walter Cronkite and Edward Murrow when we need them??  What happened to reporting the news?


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