Friday, July 3, 2020

I have been watching a lot of news while I am stuck in my house.  Switching from one station to another, listening to the propaganda on both sides.  When I was growing up, the stations gave the news.  Now they don't.  They talk, and talk, and talk.  Saying what they want you to believe--whether it is true or not.

It's amazing how the same event that actually occurs in the world can be presented and totally skewed two different ways.  I always watch the actual event, then later watch how it is reported.  Sometimes you can't recognize it.

I've been surprised at how many people have made politics their new religion.  They are true believers. Believers in their particular brand.  Believers that God is on their side regardless of what they do that is ungodly.  Both sides.

I've lived too long.  Seen too many political disasters.  Too many party failures on both sides.  Heard too many unfulfilled promises.  Too many outright lies to the people to put my faith in politics as a solution for sickness, poverty, homelessness, disease...which never seems to get much better--in my lifetime. 

I am reminded of what Michael Douglas, the actor, said in the movie "Wall Street."  He said, "Greed is Good." And expounded on the holy, wonderful, noble characteristic of human greed.  Greed seems to be rampant.  Sad.

It's easy to forget that God is in control of His world.  Until something like a pandemic comes along to shake us up and remind us we aren't in control.  

God can solve our problems when he wants to.  Our job is to share Christ.  That's it. He doesn't have a plan B for the world. We are his messengers. When we divide up sides and fight, we forget what we are supposed to be doing.

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