Monday, July 20, 2020

We are in the 2nd and 3rd chapters of 1Corinthians.  Paul is chewing them out.  He reminds them that he was the first person to share the story of Christ with them and compares himself to the first layer of bricks on top  of a building in which Christ is the foundation.

He is upset that they are quibbling about who the greatest man is who has come through their town to share Jesus.  Paul?  Apollos?  Peter?  He bluntly tells them that as long as the truth is shared it makes no difference.   Stop arguing.  Keep learning and growing. 

They are spending time on the wrong thing.  Get out there and share Christ.  They (and we) are saved to serve, not argue over stupid stuff.

I was in a church one time that the biggest thing on the business meeting agenda was a "fight" over what color the new carpet in the auditorium was going to be.  That's the truth.  Christians can be remarkably stupid--that's what Paul is telling the Corinthians.

We need to be teaching children six days a week in our church.  School.  Jesus said, "Suffer (Let) the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God."  Churches leave their buildings empty 6 days a week. Churches get off track with what their number one focus should be.

We--you and I--should be church members who direct the focus and keep things moving in the right direction.  The only way to change the world is through the next generation coming on.  They need to know there is a God that can direct their path and lives.  Bible School once a year isn't enough.

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