Monday, April 19, 2021

Becky’s company--Swan Estate Sales--is having a huge sale this next weekend.  Go online and look at the pictures.  Sometimes I go to these sales, but they are so big that parking wraps around three or four blocks.

She has the cleanest, most organized sales I’ve ever been to.  She hires a professional photographer to take the pictures and you can look at everything before you go to see if there is anything you want.  She works it really hard.  It makes me tired just to see the before and after pictures before she gets it set up.  Cleaning out and organizing stuff is a big job.

Everyone in the family works the sales.  Stacy and Meghan come for three days from Pryor.  Makenzi, Stacy’s other daughter does the cash register.  I used to help by writing tickets in one of the rooms.  I can still do it if I have a chair to sit in.  She has others who are always there to work.

It has gone from small to huge in three years.  I guess you can do a thing you have never done before if you are willing to work really hard.  Becky works really hard.  Many of these houses are full of stuff that hasn’t been used in years.  People grow old and can’t take care of their homes and many of the things haven’t seen the light of day for years.

I think I am getting there myself.  Most of what is in my house could go right out the front door. There isn’t any dust on things in heaven.

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