Thursday, April 15, 2021

 New frustration.  I got up this morning and when the sun was past the window line, I realized I couldn’t open the blind.  The cord toggle was at the ceiling, ten feet high.  

I would have to use a ladder to reach it and my girls have threatened me if I get on a ladder.

Companies make the cord like that because of irresponsible parents who put a crib next to a blind.  Government solution: make the toggle so short that you can’t reach it. 

Government wants to make a law for every one in a million possibility, but not solve the things that affect us all.  Like holes in the road that cause accidents when you hit one unexpectedly.  I wonder how many children are hurt by that problem.  Certainly more than one in a million.

Government likes to make laws that cost nothing.  Rules and more rules.  We have so many rules that we can’t know what all of them are.  And they vary from state.  Some states still don’t let you turn right on red.

I wish we lived in a place where people just did the right things without laws.  Did what was right for the safety and courtesy of others.  However, I think that might be called heaven.

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