Monday, April 26, 2021

I asked my class yesterday what they would do first if they knew it was the last day of their lives.  

Answers varied, but most centered around family and making sure their loved ones were in the right place with God.

Jesus knew he was at his last or next to last day when he had the Passover meal with his twelve disciples.  He had observed the Passover every year of his life, but this one was different.

This was his last Passover.  A meal to remember God’s rescue of the Israelites from Pharaoh.  God required that they put the blood of a lamb on the door so that the angel of death would pass over them.

Jesus told his disciples that this would be the last passover meal he would have until the “Kingdom of God” came.  And instead of remembering Egypt and the meal of the lamb and unleavened bread....that this was no longer about that passover. He said, this is my body.  This is my blood.

In other wasn’t about the passover any more.  It was his way of saying that he was the ultimate sacrificial lamb.  It was His blood that would save them from sin.  Jesus was the true “Lamb” of God.  His blood and body would be their salvation.  And ours.

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