Thursday, April 1, 2021

Last night, Craig told me and Becky a funny story about Ken that I had never heard.

We had all four gone to Tulsa and since Becky and I were both in the resale business with booths, we wanted to go to Goodwill.  Which is not very high on a fella’s list of things to do--but they went with us.

Craig said that Ken went to the ladies dress rack, picked out the ugliest dress he could find and took it over to me and said, “I really like this dress.”  Craig said I took one look and said, “That’s the ugliest dress I’ve ever seen in my life.”

Ken put on a rejected face, hung the dress back on the rack and winked at Craig.  “That’s how you do it son.  They won’t be asking us to do this next time.”

Becky said, “My dad was the most honest man I’ve ever known.  But he could always prevaricate with a straight face.”

He was an honest man.  He really did  like the dress because it was the dress which was going to get the two guys out of the Goodwill store. 

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