Tuesday, April 27, 2021

My huge oak trees in my front yard survived the freeze.  Justin, my tree guy, spent 8 days climbing and trimming out the dead branches and both of us wondered if they would live.  They aren’t pretty, but they are alive and turning green.

They look like a bald head starting to grow hair after chemo.  Scraggly.

I have been vindicated about my statements that the north and south poles move and aren’t where they were in the past.  The Oklahoma City paper posted an article about it today.  

Seems that warming is melting the ice at the poles, water levels are rising and the poles have shifted to the east since the mid-nineties.

I had mentioned that magnetism changes in rocks indicated the poles had shifted.  But people have a hard time imagining that.  But true is true.

A number of island nations and villages have vanished and are now under water due to rising sea levels.  And the ice at the poles continues to melt.

We need more trees.  If everyone in the world would plant a tree, oxygen levels would increase.  That’s something you and I can do when we feel helpless in the face of a changing earth.

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