Monday, April 12, 2021

Yesterday’s lesson was the story of Zaccheus.  Who was short.  Tall men have the advantage--statistics tell us that about the real world .

It is an incident, not a parable.  One that only Luke recorded.  There were many incidents in the life of Jesus that didn’t get written up...this one did.  It is the actual occurrence of what salvation looks like:

1. A person tries to find God.  Zack climbed a tree to get a better look.  “Seek me and you will find me,” is what the Bible says.

2.  Jesus knew his name.  When the Holy Spirit pulls at you, it is always personal.  God knows your name.

3.  Jesus told Zaccheus what to do.  “Hurry, come down.”  Zack obeyed.

4.  Repentance occurred.  “I will give half of what I have to the poor.  If I have taken anything I shouldn’t, I’ll give back 400%,” Zaccheus said.

5.  Jesus went home with him.  When we give our life to Jesus, he comes in and takes a place in our soul.

This is not a story about being short.  Or being a tax collector.  It is the story of salvation.


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