Tuesday, April 6, 2021

 Today we are looking at the first couple of chapters in Hebrews, and circling the word “Angel” in pink.  Making a halo around the word.  Then we are going to look a the book of Revelations and note the seven angels of the seven churches.

I’m sure some scholar has written on the seven angels of the seven churches.  The churches were probably the largest Christian populations at the time.  And were the ones who got letters and were asked to copy the letters and pass them on to smaller groups.

Whatever, they got pointed out, and their good and bad characteristics noted.  And each church had an angel.

After finishing with the “Kingdom of God” group of words, I couldn’t help but think that within church memberships--which contain both Christians and non Christians--that the Kingdom of God is made up of believers who have repented.  And that group has an angel who watches over them.

We also noted that the angels are always “doing” something at the direction of God.  Most of the time to do something for us.

It is comforting to know that angels are watching over us, directed by God himself.

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