Friday, April 16, 2021

 Today I am going to catch some people up who missed Monday’s Bible study.  We noted the words “Priest,” and “High Priest.”  In the book of Hebrews.  Here’s what I think the format is in Hebrews:

The writer is holding a trial.  He is the prosecutor.  The jury is a group of Christian Jews--we know that because Ch. 3:12 the writer says: “Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the...High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus...”  Because the writer calls them: holy brethren partakers of our profession...Jesus.

They probably are part of the group that Paul chewed out when he went to Jerusalem and met with the apostles who wanted the Gentile converts to “become Jews” before they could be Christians.  The group was all upset over Jewish rituals and thought Gentiles should follow them.  They should not eat meat offered to idols, etc., etc...

The writer explains that we do not need priests on earth anymore because we have a High Priest in Jesus.  Over and over the writer says the same thing:  Jesus is the only way to get to the ear of God.  Jesus has replaced priests on earth.  Levitical priests and any other kind of priest.

That’s why we pray, “In Jesus name.”  He’s our high priest.

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