Monday, April 5, 2021

Craig had a job in France that flew him to China on a regular basis.  They made reproductions of almost everything in Singapore.  They made “Rolex” watches that were almost impossible to detect as fakes.  He brought one to Ken and told him it wasn’t real and where he got it.

He said that Ken wore the watch from then on, but never mentioned to his buddies that he ate breakfast with on Saturdays where it came from or that it was a fake--just that Craig had given it to him.

After months, one morning at breakfast, Ken said he didn’t really like the watch and was going to get a better one.  He threw it on the table, and asked if anyone wanted it?  Joe Mike Bacon took it, surprised that Ken was going to give his Rolex away, thanked Ken and wore it from then on.  

Ken said all his breakfast buddies thought Ken was the most generous man in the world.  Ken said, “I never told them it wasn’t real.”

Craig reminded me of the story--I had forgotten it.  Joe eventually caught on that the watch wasn't really a Rolex.  I don’t know if he told the others.

Craig said that Ken got tickled at of the looks on his buddies faces.  He never told them it was a Rolex.  He got such a kick out of doing things like that.

We all miss him.  

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