Friday, April 23, 2021

 Every Friday, Ann and I go to the Waffle house at 8:00 AM and have pecan waffles, or to I-Hop and have crepes with strawberries and whipped cream.  Then we go look for junk at garage sales.

I rarely buy anything.  I’m trying to get rid of every thing.

But today, I bought a huge bag of colored pencils for the girls that are marking words in their Bibles.  For a dollar.  That’s my price to be remotely tempted to buy something

I had spent 25 dollars at Mardel for 6 colored pens.  Wish I had waited.  That would have paid for two breakfasts on Fridays.

After we rummage, I go get my hair done. I didn’t do that last year.  It was a mistake.  I can’t do it myself anymore 

So on Friday, I am always late posting.

My friend Rebecca Perkins has given me a name of a publisher to try.  Next week that is on my agenda.

I just sent the book I wrote about my brother to him to edit.  He hasn’t seen it yet.  Carolyn is going to get a copy as well to edit.  Maybe I will get their approval.......?

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