Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Today, my blinds for the entire house arrived.  And you know the rest. 

 The order was all wrong.  Instead of single blinds, I got split blinds.  And those don’t align.  The slats are jiggled.

What did I expect?  It was a custom job.

I had the installer put the one up on the East where the sun blinds me every morning when I am trying to do the crossword puzzle.  It was broken, and he didn’t see the break until he got it up--so he will trade it out later for a single and I don’t have to pay for it.

Frustration!!! At least I have a blind for now to block the sun.

The woman who wrote up the order called and said she was going to change the entire house out to another manufacturer.  One she uses that doesn’t make those kinds of mistakes.

So.......that’s good.  I expected no less than a complete adjustment.

The good thing is that in the middle of the mess, a friend called and said “Let’s go to lunch.”  Perfect timing.

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