Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Perhaps the thing that impelled the writer of Hebrews to put into words the things that he wrote was due to Paul’s visit to the disciples in Jerusalem.

In the book of Acts, which incidentally is the only true book of history in the New Testament, Paul gets into an argument with some of the disciples over circumcision, eating things which were strangled or offered to idols.

They especially wanted to retain portions of the Jewish laws for Gentiles to follow.  You would probably have to become a Jew before you could become a Christian.  

You would have to become a part of an elite organization that determined whether someone was worthy of salvation.  Sound like a couple of church denominations I know.

The writer of Hebrews puts those arguments away as invalid.

Jesus is all you need.  Faith in him.  You repent, give Him your life and trust in his power to save and keep you.  He puts his laws in your heart is what the Bible says.  

No more rituals are needed.  Ever.

 Oh, Happy Day!  O Happy Day!  Since Jesus took my sins away.

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