Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Every now and then there are days when we are stressed.  We know we are to trust in God.  We know we are supposed to be still and know that he is God.  We know.

But our nature is to trust ourselves.  Giving control of anything in our lives is difficult.  Which is stupid, because we don’t have control of anything anyway.  But we think we do.

I’ve had a couple of days like that lately.  And I just had to take a deep breath and say, “Okay.”  It’s not like I have any control in the first place. 

But it feels like--if we say to God, “I want your will to be done,” we are giving up on what we want.

There is a dichotomy.  He says to ask for what we want.  Which is sometimes contrary to saying, “Thy will be done.”

Jesus faced a situation like that when he was facing death.  He asked God if there was some other way to go about what he was facing.  Did God have a plan B?  But finally he prayed, “Not my will, but thine be done.”

God’s will is always the right thing...we just can’t see what he is going to do and we want to know ahead of time.  It’s a control issue on our part.  Give up.  That’s what God wants.  Give in to his will.  It’s always better.

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