Tuesday, April 13, 2021

 I finished the book about my brother’s time in China.  Took it to UPS and had it printed.  And will get it to him for editing this weekend.  Hopefully there aren’t too many mistakes.

What I need is a publisher.  If any of you have suggestions---I’m open to it.  My publisher finally called me, then texted me, said she would get the final edition on flash-drive a week ago.   Nothing.  It’s making me nuts.

I spent yesterday going through the book of Hebrews.  It is like a jury trial.  The jury is the Jews who are Christians and want to hold onto the past--the laws and Levitical priests..  

The writer is the prosecutor.  And he or she--we don’t know who wrote Hebrews--makes the case for Christ being our high priest.  That we don’t have to ever go to a priest again and take sacrifices.  Christ is our sacrifice and he died once for all.  We can have access to God through Christ.

One point he makes is that when you have the Holy Spirit, you are a part of the family of God.  If you sin, you know it, are repentant, and don’t do that again.  But you don’t have to be “re-saved” because as the writer explains, then Christ would have to be crucified all over again.  He died once for all sin.  The writer says that God puts the law in your heart when Christ comes into your life.  And you want to obey him. You are changed.

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