Tuesday, April 20, 2021

My friends and I have finished our color-marking in the book of Hebrews.  Pink halos for the word “angel.”  Blue for the word “Rest.”  Orange for the word “Priest or High Priest.”  And today, purple for the word “Faith.”

It is written like a trial.  There is a judge--God.  There is a prosecuting attorney--the writer of the book.  There is a jury--Christian Jews.  We know they are Jewish Christians from Chapter 3:1-2.

The writer begins by saying that the old method of informing people--the prophets--is over.  The new voice of God is Jesus.  The old way of informing people--angels--has been replaced by the Son of God’s words.

The writer then explains that if you wanted rest back in olden days, you had to wait, but now we can enter into the place of rest.  Then the writer explains that we don’t need Levitical priests--or any kind of priest ever again--because we have a high priest.  Jesus.  There is only one way to the throne of God.  Through the high priest who shed his blood. Jesus.

The book ends by saying that salvation has always been through faith.  He says that nobody was ever saved by the blood of sheep.  That everyone in the Old Testament was saved by faith.  And lists the people of faith in the Old Testament in chapter 11--the faith chapter in God’s Word.

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