Thursday, April 22, 2021

I can’t believe it was freezing yesterday in Oklahoma.  But, then again, it’s Oklahoma.  I covered my tomatoes.  They made it.  That makes three times it’s been at 32 or below this month.  Freezing in April !!!

Every time, I put the plastic covers in the shed, I would think, “That’s it.  Now the tomatoes will start growing.”  Nope.

Just when I think it’s safe to remove the covers again, it freezes.  I hope this is over soon.

All last year I kept thinking, “I hope this is over soon.”  What a year.  I think we all were wishing our lives away.  It’s like a year went missing.

The worst part was for school children.  Who ever thought social connections were such an important part of a child’s life.  I’m a hermit, so it didn’t really occur to me.  But after watching stories of the world of children crashing on TV, I feel most sorry for them.  They lost a year of childhood.

We will see the result of that for years to come.  You can’t reclaim those years.  I think of the friends I made in school that I am still in contact with. I was in the same homeroom with them only once.  If I had missed that year, I might not ever have known them.  Friends are sometimes even more important than family.  Especially when you need to reminisce.

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