Friday, October 15, 2021

Becky Bacon left late this morning.  I hate it when she leaves.  She is one of the most peaceful people in my life.  She says that she comes to see me so that we, “...don’t fill the air with talk.  We just sit--and know each other is there.”  Occasionally one of us will get up from where we are sitting and cross the room to show each other something.

We get what we want to eat, sometimes fix each other a plate and enjoy the peace of comfortable friendship.  We ate the rolls Kathy sent, and I sent Kathy a sewing machine I wasn’t using back with Becky.  Kathy wants to teach her granddaughter how to sew.  My sewing consists of crossing the street to use Jeaninne’s sewing machine.

It is the end of another week.  2020 flew, 2021 evaporated.  The only difference I can tell from 2019 is that I trimmed the crepe myrtle in my back yard back then and the bermuda grass has grown up to the trunk of the bush.  It used to be a fifteen foot dirt patch.  Now my lawn is lush and green everywhere.

God has done such a beautiful job of creation.  I plant stuff.  He grows it.  And color is such a gift.  Color and music are two things that God gave us to brighten our days.  “In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”  


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