Wednesday, October 27, 2021

I had a very bad experience with a local pharmacy yesterday.  They wanted me to scan something---I have never scanned and didn’t know how...then fill out multiple pages of information about myself.  On my phone.  My hands occasionally shake and I couldn’t do it.  It was information they didn’t need and had no right to, but they wouldn’t process me unless I told them my entire medical history.

I was so upset by the time I left, I was physically sick.  I will never go back there again.  Customer relations are important to older people--we grew up in a different age and are not very computer handy.  I usually go to Walgreens.  They are very nice and helpful.  But they didn’t have what I needed so I was forced to go somewhere else.

I’ll do without before I go through something like that again.  It does have one positive effect if you are trying to lose weight...which I am not.

Being nice takes nothing.  Why are so many people not nice?  I don’t get it.  However this generation has grown up not interacting with real people, just texting, playing video games and doing all communication on a computer.  My generation were very heavy on being kind to others, always saying please and thank you, and smiling.  I don’t know when I’ve seen a young person smile.  I think I’m over the hill and sliding down the other side.

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