Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Tuesday.  They come around so fast.  I feel like time is dripping through my fingers. It was January just last week.  And summer flew by.  We finally had a tornado warning Sunday night--this has been a year when we didn’t have but a couple of those.  Which is good.

Scott called on his way to work to agree with me that the book of Job is written like a drama.  Like Beowulf.  ( Did you have to read that in high school?  They say it is the oldest drama that we have.  People stand up and speak, sits down, then someone else speaks, etc.)  

I think Job was about a real man who met real tragedy.  But I think someone wrote it down to present it as a play and they did it in Beowulf style.  One person speaks, stops, and another speaks, stops--and so on.

I have a problem with the play director introducing the play with Satan coming to the throne of God and having a discussion and God giving Satan permission to test Job.  Satan and his angels had been cast out of heaven and damned.  How could a holy God let evil come before His throne?  

I think the writer of the play (about a real man, Job--and it is a true story) wanted to introduce the story and chose that way to do it.  In Isaiah, it says that, “...the Lord’s ear is not heavy that He cannot hear you...but your sins have separated between you and your God and he will not hear you.”  How could God listen to Satan.  I believe the Bible is true from cover, but since that “Job” intro is about Satan bargaining with God, I think the story was put in the form of a drama.  I could be wrong...it won’t be the first time. 

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