Thursday, October 14, 2021

 I flat out forgot to post yesterday.  I must be over the hill.  Today I go see the pain specialist and I am finally going to talk about hips.  He has been wanting to do that for a couple of years.  He keeps telling me they are shot.  I don’t mind the surgery but  rehab is another story.  Am I going to do it.  Maybe.  Pain can be a real motivator.

Becky Bacon came in yesterday and brought rolls from Kathy Davidson.  I ate three of them immediately and two more within five minutes.  I am happy.  I’ll have rolls for breakfast this morning. And while I’m eating rolls I will do the ken-ken that Carolyn sent me. She cuts them out of her paper every day for me.  Life doesn’t get much better than that.

When I went out to get the paper the other day, a little snake had made his way up to the top of the hedge along the front walkway and he didn’t seem to know what to do next to get down.  I picked him up and put him back down on the ground.  The next day, he was belly up on the walkway.  I guess he died of trauma.  I know how to pick up a snake.  I didn’t hurt him, but between me and the hedge-climb, he didn’t make it.  It made me sad.

Becky Bacon brings her own coffee with her.  Little packets she gets at the Korean grocery store.  I can’t tell it from the real thing. G7 coffee three in one. Coffee, sugar and cream.  But I’m hooked on Darjeeling tea.

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