Friday, October 8, 2021

I doubt--at this point--I’ll ever get a book published.  The print company that was printing the book went bankrupt.  The publisher is having a meltdown and I am stuck in the middle.  I think this is what life is all about, one thing after another.

I am teaching the book of 1 John; my preacher wrote the material for the denomination.  He presented six things we can be sure of, because John, an eye witness, tells us what he knew.  He starts his letter by saying that he (John) saw, heard, and touched the risen Christ.

The book is written to Christian believers that John had discipled.  He calls them “Children.”  You can tell he loves them.  He reassures them of the truth, the reality of God’s promises and Christ in whom we believe.

In the last chapter, he says that he is writing to those who believe, so that they can know--so they can believe.  The stages of Christian growth.  We believe, the evil one wants to make us doubt, we reassure ourselves by reading a letter written by an eyewitness, and our belief is strengthened.

The Biblical account is a marvelous piece of eyewitness testimony.  Think about how many things you believe that don’t have an eyewitness.

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