Tuesday, October 19, 2021

I went to Hideaway Pizza  and ordered three pizzas, then wrapped individual slices and froze them.  I now have breakfast for 18 days. I alternate days so that should last me for a month or so.  I no longer worry about what is good for me.  At my age, what difference does it make?  I still try to eat healthy--except for pizza.

All these people going into space must have a screw loose.  Millions of dollars for twelve minutes.  Think what that money could do!  I guess they would say I missed the point.  That would be right on.

I’ve been reading the Psalms.  David is the most down to earth person in the Bible.  Probably all those years herding sheep gave him a realistic background for being king.  He knew what real life was like.

And I’m teaching about Abraham on Sundays.  He, like David, is held in high esteem.  But both were flawed.  Abraham told his wife to lie.  To say she was his sister so that the Egyptians wouldn’t kill him to claim her.  He just sat back and let her go to Pharaoh to be his wife.  Every lesson we do on Abraham, I keep thinking about what Sarah thought about her husband Abraham.  I would have been very irritated.  But women had no rights back then, much like in the mid-east today.  They were, and are, property.

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