Monday, October 4, 2021

Today they were supposed to install my last two blinds.  One went up, the other was broken beyond repair.  I ordered them at the beginning of the year and they have come out four times.

First...wrong order.  Second, wrong sizes.  Third, incomplete order.  And today, broken blind.  The company I got them from is national, reliable, and competent.  The manufacturer hasn’t been able to get parts, supplies, workers and so on.

Amazing what a virus has done to us.  Groceries prices have almost doubled because workers got sick, died and nobody could prepare the chicken.  The chicken couldn’t get to processing because farmers couldn’t get chicken feed.  All the way to the consumer like me, the food chain fell down.

This week in Reader’s Digest, there was a story about tractor problems for the farmer.  They can't repair their own tractors.  Manufacturers have made it mandatory that they are the only ones who can do repair a tractor.  Making it impossible for a farmer to control his own equipment.

The Oklahoma paper had an article a few weeks ago about how many acres that China now owns in America.  It is startling what is happening to our country.  It’s a good thing God is in control of the world.

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