Thursday, October 7, 2021

My poor little dog coughed and rasped all night after he had his teeth cleaned.  All I can figure is that they intubated him and his bronchial tubes have been scratched.  He was miserable.  Yesterday I held him all day  Today he is better, but has no energy.  They pulled at  least four teeth so his mouth is sore as well.  I feel sorry for him.  I knew it was going to be tough and put it off as long as I could. 

Today I bought groceries which I am able to do, but unloading and putting them away is a killer.  I eat most of my meals out, so I don’t buy that many things, but getting it all into the kitchen and freezer is still difficult.

Have any of you ever tried to cook for one person?  I end up putting leftovers in small containers when I do cook, but when I take a container out of the freezer, I call it “Surprise a meal” because I don’t label any of it. And that gets old.  So I share it with my neighbors.  That works.  They share with me as well.

I wouldn’t have made a good Israelite.  Can you imagine eating manna for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Ugh.  When Joshua went into the promised land, God stopped the manna.  They had to live off the land from that point on.  No turning back.  I bet the food was the biggest motivator that they had...they were probably sick of manna.    

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