Monday, October 25, 2021

Do you have someone who doesn’t like you?  Have you figured out why?  That is the thing that is hard to do--because you, and I, are all likable(?) But when someone decides they don’t like you, reversing their opinion is difficult.  If not impossible. 

We are who we are.  But it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take a good look at ourselves and consider doing things, or saying things, in a different way.  Self examination never hurts.

Through the years, I have learned that I don’t have to answer ever question immediately.  And some questions I don’t need to answer at all. There are people who don’t want answers to the questions they ask...they just want someone to listen and agree with their perspective.  And when I don’t agree with their perspective, there is no reason to give them mine.  They don’t want it.

Some people aren’t looking for answers, they just want to build a coalition of people who agree with them.  Or they want sympathy but not change.  I’m not good at that kind of listening.  Basically because I don’t want to listen to someone whine.

I need people around me who make me better.  You do too.  Maybe that is why our inner circle of friends is small.  Start with Jesus.

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