Thursday, October 21, 2021

Carolyn got me a subscription to Reader’s Digest.  Once each month I have something interesting to read.  I used to subscribe to it all the time, but between four kids and a husband (who had stopped being deployed every month or so and retired), and a job (55 miles from where we lived) came into my life, reading sort of slipped by the wayside and I didn’t resubscribe.  Carolyn knew what I needed!!  Good friends are a blessing.

I’ve always posted in the mornings, but lately, I haven’t even gotten dressed before ten or ten-thirty.  It doesn’t make a difference when you read it anyway, today or tomorrow.  It doesn’t really make a difference if I get dressed either.
My lawn man mowed today and I had him blow out under the upright freezer in the garage.  Mice had taken up residence there.  It’s a wonder that they hadn’t started an electrical fire.  They had brought a zillion acorns in, cracked them, and left the shells.  I didn’t know mice ate oak acorns but they do.  It was a mess, but I got it cleaned up.

I have to get a new seal on the bottom of the garage door.  There is a crack in the tube seal big enough for a skunk, raccoon or anything else that wants to get in the garage can get through--as it gets cold.  And it has started getting cold.  It’s been in the fifties lately.  This time last year we had the biggest ice storm in the history of the state.  I’m thankful it isn’t freezing yet.  I am dreading the cold.  “If winter comes...can spring be far behind.”  Who wrote that, and why do I remember it?  Shelly?


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