Monday, October 18, 2021

     Monday.  I have dozens of housekeeping chores that I have managed to put off for a week.  Folding clothes is one of them.  The ladies that clean my house--every two weeks on Friday--strip the beds and I have to wash sheets--which isn’t a problem, but folding them is.  Something that used to be easy isn’t easy any more.  I usually wait until someone comes to see me and get them to help me fold.

    Sunday, we started the study of Abraham.  God told Abraham to go to a country where God would send him.  I can just hear the conversation that evening at suppertime.  “Sarah, you need to pack things up.  We’re moving.”


“I don’t know.”

“Why?  My friends are here.  Our family is here.  I don’t want to move.”

I know what Ken would have said, he would have said, “I have orders.”  I heard him say that a bunch of times.

Abraham and Sarah moved.  To a place where they had no friends; to a place they had never been.  Because God gave orders to Abraham and he  listened to God, believed God, trusted God, and obeyed God. God gave him 7 promises that we call the “Abrahamic Covenent.”

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