Thursday, December 2, 2021

Not only did I forget to post yesterday--as my close friends advised me--I didn’t get much of anything else done either.   I did go to lunch with my friends.  And Squig got a bath and a haircut.

My cleaning ladies haven’t been here in four weeks.  I don’t know how clean you are, but my idea of clean has deteriorated.  The girls called and said they couldn’t be here for two more weeks.  I’ve reached my limit and can’t do anything about it.  The holidays have messed up their schedules.  My house needs cleaning in an extreme way. 

As you age, the way you spend money changes.  I can’t vacuum anymore, much less move anything to clean under it.  And doing my hair is impossible because holding my hands in the air to fix it is too tiring.  I’ve re-thought how I spend.  Certain luxuries are now necessities.

It’s okay.  You just have to learn how to do a different budget.  And as frugal as I have always been it is hard.  I never paid for anything I could do myself.  Yard work, gardening etc.  I keep saying to myself that to move somewhere that everything is done for you would cost a fortune.  I don’t want everything done for me.  Just vacuuming and my hair.  Becky and Craig said they would come change my sheets when I need it.  There!  That’s it.  That’s all I need help with.  Jeaninne, across the street, has my credit card and buys what I need when she goes to the grocery store.  Look around you.  There may be an older person that needs a light bulb changed.  They all need something done.


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