Thursday, April 21, 2022

For the first time in four weeks I don’t have to deal with bugs.  I am going to have a normal day--whatever that is.  I only have two doctor’s appointments today.  That’s it.  I will have time to finish the three or four crossword puzzles--I’m backed up on from all the craziness of the past three weeks.

Squig is on the “bad” list.  He had used the skirt of one of my loveseats as an outhouse.  Stanley Steemer did the best they could, and came back twice.  But Squig is now in diapers when I leave the house.  He hates it.  When I pick a diaper up, he starts hiding--to get away from me.

I will never have another male dog.  They instinctively have to mark their territory.  I thought that since Squig was “fixed” as a puppy, he wouldn’t have that problem.  Was I ever wrong.  If I get another dog it will be a “Squatter.”  It’s easier to spot an accident and deal with training.

But I forgive Squig.  It’s not his fault that I didn’t catch him sooner and put a stop to it.  He's a dog.  And his good qualities are wonderful.  He just needs to understand that if he doesn’t want to wear a diaper, there are requirements involved. 

I’m going to Yummy China today.  Their portions are double what I eat and it comes with sour soup.  The food is to die for, and I haven’t eaten out in a week. Luncheon special: $7:95, and it is three meals for me.  A deal.  

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