Wednesday, April 20, 2022

 The exterminator came.  I am so thankful.  The bugs aren’t drain flys, they are dandelion mites.  They were coming in through a break in the brick mortar, dropping into a window frame and falling into the tub, then heading to the drain where there was water.

He said that over half of the company’s calls this year were for the mites.  Last year, it was army worms.  This year dandelion mites.

I called Tony to come repair the mortar by the side of the bathroom window.  Tony is my right hand guy. 

I am so glad I called the exterminator.  Expensive, but a permanent solution.  I have spent four weeks killing them one at a time.  Now, they will all be gone.  He also sprayed the foundation so all bugs are done for.

I saw the cardiologist today and told him what my GP had said.  I had asked her how you would know I died since my pacemaker would keep my heart beating.   She said, “Oh, Janie.  We’ll know...because you’ll stop talking. My cardiologist got a kick out of that and said that my heart wouldn’t be what kills me.  It is strong.  It just doesn’t beat.  He said I would live to one hundred and two.  That’s a long as I don’t have to live in a house with bugs.

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