Friday, April 22, 2022

Friday again!  They come so quick anymore.  Ann is out of town for the weekend, so I won’t be going to breakfast or garage sale looking.

For some reason, after the exterminator did his thing both outside and in, I have an army of ants around my chair.  I’ve never had ants but once before when I brought my potted succulents in for the winter and brought an ant farm in with them.  They had taken up residence in the pots of dirt.

The doctor I saw yesterday morning put me on a medicine, but had me confer with another doctor that afternoon--who took me off of it.  Luckily I hadn’t spent money on the prescription yet.  

I can hardly keep up with all of this stuff.  I don’t think they can either.  My advice is, “Don’t get old.”  Everything is coming apart one thing after another.  But I feel good.  So something must be working.

I tried to walk the dog yesterday, but by the time I had passed four houses, the wind was blowing me away.  This has been the windiest year I ever remember.  Fifty miles an hour is average.  What we need is rain.

The bug man said I had moles in the back yard really bad.  I’m taking a live and let live attitude about that.  They eat grubs, but if I treat the grubs, it will kill the earth worms.  That’s a win-lose proposition for my garden. And Squig likes to hunt the moles. 

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