Tuesday, April 5, 2022

 The drain gnats have disrupted my life.  I can’t seem to remember to blog.  I finally got a specific drain gnat treatment from Amazon.  It is the consistency of thick jello.  You leave it in the drain over night and pour boiling water down the drain the next morning.  Then do it all over again.

They say insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result!  That's where I am.  Yesterday there were only a dozen or so little bugs so I guess that’s progress?  Jeanette ordered me a gallon of the stuff so I can keep going.  The instructions say that it could take up to four months.  This is not how I planned to use the spring of 2022.

These critters are the devil’s spawn. 

 None of the plumbers that I have contacted have ever dealt with this problem.  Or heard of it.  

My back up is prayer.  And boiling water.

I didn’t break my hip.  I tore a ligament.  I needed one more thing to deal with.  Rest is prescribed.  But I have to get down on my knees to pour the gooey stuff down the tub drain.  Which hurts.  

I can do it.  Four months...maybe.....

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