Wednesday, April 27, 2022

There is a question in the minds of Christians from time to time--as they watch “So called Christians” who seem very out of touch with what the new life is supposed to look like.  And of course, everyone has their own opinions about what that looks like.

Seems like some people think that if you were “Really” redeemed, you would automatically “toe the line.”  Or...the other possibility is that you weren’t saved in the first place.

The scripture Sunday said something like, “If you endure to the end you will be saved.”  We were talking about those who were told they would be persecuted.  Or those who would deny Christ.

I said that I thought there was a third possibility, maybe you might have a moment of weakness in the face of extreme danger.  Maybe you would react as Peter did and deny Christ and it would break your heart and you would be broken.  Maybe we are all weak in some circumstances.  I said that a threat to me wouldn’t move me, but if I was forced to watch my children, their children all 46 of my family be burned slowly--and it was up to me to save them, I might be like Peter.  I hope not.  I hope God will never give me a circumstance that I can’t bear.  My class thought I was nuts to think up such an occurrence.  But the point is, everyone has a different breaking point.  Just lean on God in your life, not yourself.

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