Wednesday, April 6, 2022

I got a text from my publisher.  I’m afraid to believe it.  A list of book stores she has lined up for sales.  What does that mean?  Is it for May of 22, or 23...?  Is there actually going to be a book...I hope everyone buys one so they can keep it on the market!  I just want people to read it.

Wednesday got away from me.  I didn’t even get out to get the paper today.  Stanley Steemer came, Squig went to the groomer, Craig came to plant asparagus (and brought the paper in).  I transplanted stuff to make room for the asparagus, and the day slipped away before I had even done the crossword puzzle.

My yard man broke his leg.  So I guess I won’t get all the projects done that I had planned for spring. 

I’ll try to do better tomorrow.  I seem to be getting more and more distracted anymore by all the things going on around me.  It must be spring.

I planted parsley--Ann will plant cucumbers and Scott is sending tomato plants.  So I can make tabouli all summer.  

If the wind will stop blowing, maybe things will grow.  The wind was 50mph over night.  Sweeping down the plains...

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