Friday, April 15, 2022

 2384.  That’s the number of posts I have done as of today.  I have no idea what I have told you or what I have said.  I have just gotten up every day and written something.  

I used to do it seven days a week...and soon realized that was going to kill me.  Burn out.  Lately, Fridays are hard...because Ann picks me up between seven-thirty and eight and I barely get the dog out, in, and fed, and take my morning meds, etc. etc.  You know the routine.

Then I get my hair done at eleven, go to lunch, come home and collapse and think about posting.  Around 2 in the afternoon.

Today Ann and I went to an Estate sale that my grandson Steven was running.  He is Becky’s son.  I was amazed at all the things that were sold and out the door that I had missed seeing.  I sat in a chair and watched.  Ann climbed the stairs...I can’t do that any more.  

I never find anything I want.  It is interesting how little tempts me.  In my thirties, I would have run out of money before I ran out of things I wanted to buy.  Now I just want to get rid of all the things that need to be dusted.  I guess on post 2384, I am taking you with me on a journey of old age.  All the things that used to be important aren’t important anymore.

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