Friday, April 8, 2022

My friend Gayle in Edwardsville La. called me yesterday and said she would love to read the book (if it EVER comes out) but needs to know the name of it.  And that I should also give her the publisher.

“The Letter.”  Oklahoma publisher “Road Runner Press.”  I think I need all of my friends to pray they can find a printer.  Small companies are last in line with printers.  And the price of paper has almost doubled.  

But if you are like me, I like to hold a book.  I do Kindle as a last resort.

It is two in the afternoon and this is the first time I have been able to sit down to blog.

Squig has high liver enzymes---not good.  He was so sick I took him to the vet yesterday.  It’s one of two things.  The vet is treating him for one of them.  If he isn’t better by Monday, I’ll take him back for an ultrasound.  Which means it is probably the second thing which isn’t good.  He has been more chipper today, I’m praying.

But he is 14 years old.  Old for a Schnauzer.  I won’t put my head in the sand, but I am hoping for the best.  Pat called her friend Erica, a vet that occasionally works for “Vets without Borders” and explained Squig’s symptoms and Erica said to get the ultrasound.  I don’t want to know...but I will get it.

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