Thursday, April 28, 2022

Today, for the first time in months, I have nothing to do but go to lunch with a friend.  I got up with nothing to do and am going to go to bed with it half done. (As Ken would always say.)

It is raining a slow soft rain.  The first real rain we have had in months.  Lightening and thunder as well.  It’s like music from a score I had forgotten what it sounded like.

Squig does not have cancer.  The ultra sound proved that the inside of him is in perfect condition.  He probably has Cushing’s disease, but it is treatable.  I am elated.  This is one of the best days I’ve had in a long time.

Sudoko is done.  Cryptograms are done.  Crosswords are done with only one word I couldn’t get.

The beans have sprouted.  I’ve picked ten or so asparagus spears, the parsley has grown more fluffy.  The tomatoes are holding their own, and in June I will plant the okra.  Things are good.  I just have to keep the rabbits out of the okra.  I’ll put glass jars over the sprouts and hope for the best.

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