Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Becky and Joe came yesterday.  She and Joe were in a head-on collision this week.  It totaled their car of course.  By God's grace, Becky swerved the car sideways so that the other car took the back of her car off, and spared the front two seats.  It was a miracle.  I am so eternally grateful for God's mercy.  both of them are so sore that they can hardly move.  But no broken bones, concussions, or lasting injuries.  Praise God.  She is going to come back in a week or two to help me hang pictures.

The man who hit them supposedly just got out of prison.  And insurance?  Who knows.

My gardener (John) is coming back for one day on Saturday.  I am delighted that he is coming back just when I desperately need him.  I hope he doesn't cancel again.

Maybe he can get my raised beds built--ready to plant in the spring.  There is a huge pile of topsoil in the corner of my backyard that the previous owner had brought in--so I won't have to buy soil.  That's good.  I am trying not to get too excited.  Almost impossible to not do.

And Tony is coming back this afternoon to build a vent from my stove through the ceiling.  I hope he stays and works for a couple of weeks and does the tile in the master bath.

I am down to trying to figure where small things go.  Big stuff is in place.  Most boxes are open.  I now live in this house--for better or worse.  So far, I really like it.  I would just like to have a day that I woke up and didn't have anything to do, and I didn't have things that I needed other people to do.

I didn't make it to church or my connection group on Sunday.  It's the first time I have missed in three years--except when I was out of town.  I just couldn't seem to get my act together.  I kept falling asleep.  I finally called one of my members and asked her to lead the discussion.  I think it all caught up with me.  I am so tired.  I am ready to do nothing for awhile.  I need 10 of uninterrupted sleep.  Which isn't going to happen for awhile.  I keep praying for good health, and so far, God has granted my request.  God is faithful.  "Faithful is He who calls you who also will do it."1 Thess. 5:24

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